43 "You have heard the law that says, 'Love your neighbor'
and hate your enemy.44 But I say, love your enemies!
Pray for those who persecute you!" Matt 5:43-44
Today marks the anniversary of a truly tragic event and it should be remembered as such. It should not, however be used as fuel for hatred. We must confess that we are often guilty of the same anger, hatred and fear that created this awful act.
Please accept this feeble attempt to take a break from the hate to love as You would have us love. We may not fully mean it in our hearts, but we take this time to pray for the sect of people who were a part of or were in support of this heinous act. We ask that you would reveal Yourself and Your good news to them and remove strong the hatred and fear that is in there hearts. We ask that you would show them the same mercy that we would have you offers us. We confess that there may be some validity to the anger they have towards our nation.
We do not know how it is possible to love our enemies, but also don't know how it is possible for a perfect God to love us, a group of sinners so we will continue to try. We recognize that in order for "Your kingdom come and Your will be done on earth like it is in heaven" love and mercy must replace hatred and fear. So we ask that you would transform are hearts. In the mean time Lord, we ask that Your love and mercy would shine on both us and our enemies.
In name of Jesus, the beacon of your Love and Mercy,