Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Shut up and Pray: On Christians and unchristian Political Propaganda

To be upfront, this is going to be a brief and angry post… This is directed to both conservative (Republican) and liberal (Democratic) friends and acquaintances of mine…sorry, both sides have been guilty of this.

I am so sick of this idea that our country is going to instantly fall apart if our governments leaders don't share the same political views as us. Our country survived both Clinton and Bush, it will survive Obama and it will survive the next president. I am sick of hearing how bad either Obama or the GOP stink..."You'll never find a savior on capitol hill."

In addition, I am seeing red over the constant unchristian social network site posts in the name of Christ. Challenge issued: The next time you get the urge to smear a government official on facebook, pray for them instead! I don't have a problem with you having a political position, feeling strongly about or sharing it with others. Just make a constructive argument in support of your beliefs instead of posting an insulting cartoon on your page.

Finally, in a instance of surprisingly big perspective, the Jews rightly recognized God's hand in directing the Persian Empire in the restoration of their homeland (see Psalms 126). In the books Ezra and Nehemiah we see Persian Emperors allowing and providing for the return of Jewish exiles as well as the rebuilding of the temple and city walls. If God can use a pagan and foreign emperor to do his will I am sure he can use a most-likely "professing" Christian politician for His purposes. So maybe, just maybe, we should use the time we were going to spend hunting down the next political cartoon to post to pray that God would do just that with the leaders of our country, whoever they are.


  1. Chad, the nation may well survive many presidents to come, but with every succeeding president & congress, the original nation and constitution will no longer be recognizable.

  2. That may be true; all that I ask is that something CONSTRUCTIVE is done about it, in a Christ-like fashion.
