Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Advent Series: Weeks 1 and 2

Advent Lesson One: The Word Became Flesh

Game Idea:  Four Square – see rules at: http://www.thatyouththing.com/resources/crowdbreakers.htm
Bible Verse 1: John 1:1-14

Video: 8 lb 6 oz Baby Jesus: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6AlEYreD6k. Make sure to stop right at 2:20 (to avoid language).  If you can’t project a computer you can play this segment from the movie Talladega Nights.  If you decide to skip the

1)      When we think of Jesus at Christmas what do we think of? (Baby, human, etc)
2)      How does this compare with Ricky Bobby’s Jesus? (Similar in a lot of ways)
3)      What does John 1 have to say about Jesus? (Existed from the beginning of time,
4)      Why is it important to remember what John has to say about Jesus during the Christmas season? (Jesus is not just a baby, He is our savior and He is the son of God.)
5)      How does the way we think of Jesus affect our personal relationship with Him?

Wrap Up
Say: The season of Advent (or Christmas – if students aren’t familiar with Advent) is all about trust.  If we trust that Jesus is our Messiah/Savior than we trust that baby Jesus was also the Son of God and the co-creator of the universe.


Give the students time to share prayer requests AND praises (strongly encourage students to contemplate their blessings).  Close by thanking God for sending His son (in all his glory and power) to earth as a helpless baby to save us all.  If Jesus was just another baby than He cannot be the messiah.  

Advent Lesson Two: Crazy News

Game Idea:  The Clap Game – see rules at: http://www.thatyouththing.com/resources/crowdbreakers.htm
Bible Passage 1: Luke 1:26-28

Video: A Social Media Christmas - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sghwe4TYY18

Bible Passage 2: Matthew 1: 18-25

  1. Ladies, what would it be like to be in Mary’s situation?
  2. Guys, what would it be like to be in Joseph’s situation?
  3. How do you think your family and friends would react if you were in Mary or Joseph’s situation?
  4. How did trust, or faith in God play into Mary and Joseph’s situation?
  5. How do you think God’s past faithfulness played into Mary and Joseph’s trust in God?
  6. How does trust play into our own situation as we prepare for Christmas and how does that trust effect the way we live our lives? 

Wrap Up
Say: It took a lot of trust in God for Mary and Joseph to go along with his plan.  We saw from the video that Mary and Joseph probably lost a lot of friends and family and respect because of God’s plan.  Mary and Joseph had to trust that God would do what He would and also trust that we would get them through their rough situation.  It takes a lot of trust for us to believe in Christmas message too.  If we do believe that Jesus is the savior than the trust should affect what we believe about many other things and how we live our lives too.

Give the students time to share prayer requests AND praises (strongly encourage students to contemplate their blessings).  Close by thanking God for sending His son and asking for help to trust in Him the way Mary and Joseph did.    

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